Back in those days, I got headaches alot, just on one side of my face. And stress made them worse. So after all the new experiences of Wardobe Styling Assistant Day One, I was a little stressed and tired. The pain shooting through the right side of my temple was so great that I did something a bit unprofessional and asked our stylee for some pain reliever. Keep in mind I have not eaten this entire day (rookie move), and Aleve was my only option. Thirty minutes later, my boss and I were parked on the side of the road so I could throw up the Aleve and the bottle of orange Vitamin C water I had been making last all day.
So, why am I telling you this story? Maybe I'm trying to comfort you if you had an awful day. Or encourage young fashion students that there is life after the internship. Or maybe I'm just still embarrassed and I needed to get it off my chest. (I think it's the last thing.)
The point is this: I've had a lot of years to acquire embarrassing stories, and I might as well share them with you. Laugh and cringe along with me.